As a leading supplier of quality
steel structures, our prime
focus and challenge is aimed on
our client’s needs and the
specific requirements and
conditions within which our pre
- engineered steel buildings
will be used. We specialize in
the design, fabrication and
installation of steel structures
for a wide variety of uses.
Structural steel is steel
construction material, a
profile, formed with a specific
shape or cross section and
certain standards of chemical
composition and mechanical
properties. Structural steel
shape, size, composition,
strength, storage, etc., is
regulated in most industrialized
countries. Structural steel
members, such as I-beams, have
high second moments of area,
which allow them to be very
stiff in respect to their
cross-sectional area. Our
prefabricated steel buildings
are all designed and
manufactured to be tailor-made
structures according to our
client’s specific requirements
and specifications.
We have long since recognised
that our strength in the
prefabricated structural steel
market is our ability to provide
excellent service and quality.
This knowledge, together with
the significant experience and
energy of a highly motivated
team, enables us to focus on
providing clients with quality
and cost effective steel
structures that are designed to